
Please refer to the changelog for all versions here.


Revolut Gateway for WHMCS enables you to accept payments via Revolut in WHMCS. To use this payment gateway, you need a Revolut Merchant account. You can find more information about Revolut Merchant at:


To install the Revolut module in WHMCS, download and unzip the module files, followed by uploading the files to your your WHMCS installation as follows:

  1. From the module root folder, copy the files named revolut.php and revolutpay.php and place them in the /modules/gateways/ folder of your WHMCS installation.
  2. From the callback/ folder in the module folder, copy the other revolut.php and revolutpay.php files and place them in the /modules/gateways/callback folder of your WHMCS installation.
  3. Copy the revolut/ and revolutpay/ folders from the module folder into the /modules/gateways/ folder of your WHMCS installation.

Setup & Activation

The setup instructions depend on your version of WHMCS.


Navigate to Setup > Payments > Payment Gateways and select Revolut Merchant from the All Payment Gateways tab.


Navigate to Apps & Integrations and search for Revolut. Then select Revolut Merchant to activate the module.

Once activated, enter your credentials in the appropriate boxes, as shown below.